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Priti Venkatesan

The Power of Davis Learning Strategies

Updated: 20 minutes ago

A Transformational Journey at Heartfulness International School

By Priti Venkatesan, Head of the Indigo Section, Heartfulness International School — Omega Branch, Chennai, India.

In 2014, I found myself in a challenging position as an educator. At the time, many of the children in our school were struggling academically, and I felt uncertain about how to effectively support them. Although I had been implementing remedial programs, it often felt like I was offering them "crutches" rather than genuinely empowering them to become independent learners. I longed for a strategy that would not just support them temporarily but transform their learning experiences.

Enter Moniek Geven, a Davis Facilitator from Denmark who introduced me to Davis Learning Strategies (DLS) when on a visit to Chennai.  Her presentation was a revelation—an eye-opener that immediately resonated with me. DLS addressed many of the uncertainties I had been grappling with, and I knew instantly that this was the solution I had been searching for.

The Beginning of Our Davis Learning Journey

Shortly after Moniek’s visit, twelve of us at the school underwent training in Davis Learning Strategies. Simultaneously, I pursued Davis Facilitator training, which enabled me to fully immerse myself in the methodology. With newfound confidence, we implemented DLS across grades one to seven, focusing on children with learning difficulties, particularly those who were dyslexic, autistic, or English as a Second Language (ESL) students.

The results were almost immediate. The children's reading abilities improved dramatically—many of them moved up by two reading levels within six months. But even more significant was the progress in reading comprehension, which had been a major challenge, especially for our ESL students. Through picture punctuation—a core part of DLS—their vocabulary and understanding of the text began to flourish.

Mainstreaming Success and Fewer Referrals

One of the most remarkable outcomes of DLS implementation was the mainstreaming of students. The number of children needing specialised intervention decreased so significantly that we eventually stopped receiving referrals from the mainstream school. The children who were once struggling were now able to perform academically at par with their peers, thanks to the focus and comprehension skills developed through DLS.

Behavioral Changes and Increased Attention Span

DLS not only impacted the children’s academic performance but also brought about significant behavioural improvements. Children who were initially referred to our Indigo Section due to aggressive behaviour saw these issues almost disappear. Once they began using DLS tools regularly, their interaction with peers improved, and they were successfully reintegrated into the mainstream school with no further behavioural concerns.

We also measured the attention span of these students, and the results were undeniable. Initially, most of these children could hardly sit still or focus for more than a couple of minutes, especially those with ADHD. After using DLS, their ability to concentrate and sustain attention increased dramatically. Even when their focus would waver, they learned to use the DLS focusing tools to bring their attention back to the task at hand. This allowed them to stay engaged in class without disrupting the learning environment.

What Makes Davis Learning Strategies Unique?

In my experience, DLS stands out because it empowers children to become independent learners. Unlike many other methods I had tried, which function more as temporary aids or “crutches,” DLS equips children with the skills to learn on their own. Many traditional approaches, such as spelling rules or decoding strategies, often leave children dependent on special educators for much of their academic life. DLS, on the other hand, helps them understand not only how to learn but also how to recognize and correct their own mistakes.

Furthermore, DLS boosts children's self-confidence. They no longer blame themselves for mistakes but instead understand that a lack of focus, not intelligence, is often the root of their errors. This self-awareness fosters a deep sense of confidence and empowerment.

The Future of Davis Learning Strategies

If I could have one wish, it would be for DLS to reach every child who wants to learn. It lays such a strong foundation for independent learning that I believe every child should have access to it. I firmly believe that DLS has the potential to drastically reduce learning disabilities worldwide. More often than not, these disabilities arise because educators lack the tools to properly reach their students. DLS could be that tool.

If DLS were widely implemented, every child would become an independent learner. In today’s world, education is no longer bound by space or time. With access to technology, students can reach any information they need. To optimise their potential, we must equip them with the skills to learn on their own, and I believe DLS is the key.

In conclusion, I am deeply grateful to Ron Davis for bringing this transformative approach into our lives. The sooner educators and schools around the world realize its value, the better off our students—and our future—will be.

Thank you for this opportunity to share our journey with Davis Learning Strategies. It has truly been a game-changer for our school, and I hope it continues to spread far and wide.

Priti VenkatesanHead of the Indigo Section,

Heartfulness International School — Omega Branch



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