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Free Webinar
How Dyslexia Works
Unraveling the Mystery of a Learning Difference, so Reading Can Be Easy


Many brilliant minds have been misunderstood through traditional teaching methods, particularly those who experience dyslexia.

Often, these bright individuals are mislabeled as slow learners when, in fact, they possess unique learning styles that need to be nurtured differently.

June 6th, 2024
19:30 - 21:00 BST
Webinar followed by Q & A session

In this free webinar you will discover:

  1. Understanding Dyslexia: Dive deep into what dyslexia really is and why it's increasingly considered a learning difference, not a disability. 

  2. The Davis Difference: Learn about the groundbreaking Davis Dyslexia Methods from our expert, Richard Whitehead, a seasoned Davis Methods Specialist with over two decades of experience.

  3. Real Success Stories: Discover how personalised learning strategies have turned reading from a challenge into a favourite activity for many.

  4. Practical Tips: Gain valuable insights and practical tips that can be implemented immediately to improve reading skills. 

  5. Interactive Q&A: Have your questions answered directly by Richard and learn more about how the Davis Methods can be tailored to meet individual needs.

"Michael is reading Harry Potter. He’s read half of it in a week! And interestingly he said he’s able to read the sentence only once and absorb the information. 
I can’t believe he’s reading HP. We have given him the kindle to use for all reading


"Since  his Davis Programme with you, Tom has changed his life around  completely. Thank you Richard. It makes me want to weep when I see the  difference in him."



Join us today for this complimentary webinar


Session Presenter

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Richard Whitehead, a Davis Dyslexia Specialist and Davis UK & Ireland Director, has over twenty years of experience with the Davis methods. He's also served as a Special Educational Needs Coordinator for six years and spent over a decade as a classroom teacher.

In his first book, "Why Tyrannosaurus But Not If? — The Dyslexic Blueprint for the Future of Education," he shares insights and strategies for supporting bright, struggling learners, drawing from his extensive experience in special education. His second book, "Counting On Fingers," co-authored with Ronald Davis, delves into dyscalculia's root causes and solutions through the Davis Maths Mastery Programme.


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Transforming learning and lives

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Professional services described as Davis®, including Davis® Dyslexia Correction, Davis® Symbol Mastery, Davis® Orientation Counselling,  Davis® Attention Mastery,  Davis® Maths Mastery, and Davis® Reading Programme for Young Learners  may only be provided by persons who are trained and licensed as Davis Facilitators or Specialists by Davis Dyslexia Association International.

Davis® , Davis® Autism Approach, Davis® Stepping Stones, and Davis® Concepts for Life are trademarks of Ronald D. Davis. Commercial use of these trademarks to identify educational, instructional, or therapeutic services requires licensing by the trademark owner. For details of licensed Davis Autism Approach Facilitators and Coaches, and of Davis Autism Approach Programmes and Workshops, go to the Ron Davis Autism Foundation

Davis UK & Ireland is a trading name of Create-A-Word, a non-profit company limited by guarantee.
UK Company number: 4803526. 47 – 49 Church Street, Malvern, Worcestershire WR14 2AA.

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